After declaring an undecided major my second semester of college, I felt very confused and like I was wasting time. My older sister was studying graphic design at the time, I remember hearing about her homework assignments and being jealous of how fun it looked to design.
She hit a road block when she had an assignment in After Effects. She asked me for help, since my hobby in high school was learning After Effects through YouTube. Me being a selfless and caring little sister I agreed to help her edit a video for nothing but her gratitude in return. I finished it in one sitting and she got a great grade for it! This was when I realized maybe graphic design had all the elements of a job I’d enjoy.
I have a deep love for all forms of art; I’d say all types of art fuels my creativity for design. Even though editorial design and motion graphics are my favorite skills to workout, I also love physical art forms like drawing and ceramics! My ultimate goal is to be able to create eye catching designs that make a meaningful impact in the long run.
junior graphic designer